Facing Challenges

When facing challenges I believe that there are two things we can do. We can choose not to face it or choose to face it head on. How we think will determine what we do. Emotions will try to stop us from facing the challenge. If we have the right mindset then we will not allow our emotions to keep us from facing the challenge. The right mindset will help us to keep our emotions in check and face that challenge head on.

There were multiple challenges that I had to face within the last couple of months. Believe me when I say that I wanted to give up on some of these challenges. One was a work challenge that took me four tries to finally over come. I was starting to get discouraged after the first couple of times because I wasn’t able to figure it out. The only positive thing that I could take from each time was that I learned something new each time. Finally on the fourth time I was able to overcome the challenge.

There are challenges that I am currently facing right now. One of the biggest challenges is getting out of credit card debt. Over the years we have gotten ourselves in a ridiculous amount of credit card debt. It was actually at the beginning of this year when we felt like there was not going to be a way to get out. We felt like we were drowning in debt.

God showed up and we were able to receive a great blessing that has allowed us to get a jump start at tackling our credit card debt. Now the challenge is to keep getting out and stay out. This is a challenge that is ongoing but at least now we can see a faint light at the end of the tunnel. We have a long ways to go but with God’s help we are going to make it through. He has been faithful and at least now we don’t feel like we are drowning in debt.

If not for God’s faithfulness we would be in a worse condition. God love for us is amazing. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is always there for us. I want to encourage you today and let you know that God is faithful. It does take perseverance because at times you will feel like giving up. Don’t allow your emotions to take you away from what God has for you. Keep on going in the Lord.

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